§ 5.9. Improvement of Adjacent Existing Streets and Utilities.  

Latest version.
  • a.

    When a proposed subdivision of land, whether residential or nonresidential, abuts on both sides of an existing substandard street, or on one side of said road, being substandard according to the then existing current Thoroughfare Plan, the developer may be required to improve the existing on-site facility as that term is defined herein, including on-site sidewalks, landscaping, storm sewers and other utilities as defined in Section 1.17, to bring the same to City standards, or to replace it with a standard City street as determined by the traffic impact analysis, if required (see Section 3.1) at no cost to the City.


    The subdivider shall be responsible for construction of a minimum of one-half (½) or all, as the case may be, according to Subsections [a] through [d]) of the width of a residential street adjacent to the site. For the purposes of this Ordinance, residential properties shall be responsible for twenty-six (26) feet, or fifteen and one-half (15½) feet if adjacent to only one side, of paving. All other uses shall be responsible for thirty-seven (37) feet of paving, or eighteen and one-half (18½) feet if adjacent to only one side. In lieu of construction, a proportionate fee for curbs, gutters, sidewalks, storm drainage, street lights, and street signs may be assessed against any perimeter road. The perimeter and off-site streets required for improvement shall be determined by the traffic impact analysis outlined in Section 3.1.


    Streets which dead-end at power lines or similar rights-of-way or easements, and which are intended for future extension across these rights-of-way or easements, shall be constructed in the right-of-way or easement for half the distance across the right-of-way or easement, and shall be further restricted as set forth in Section 3.1. As with any other dead-end street, a note shall be placed on the final plat clearly labeling the dead-end streets that will, at some point, be extended across the power line easement (or right-of-way), and signage shall be placed at the end of the constructed street curb (on the barricade) also stating that the street will be extended in the future.